Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wouldn't life be better if we just run from reality and run from it all?

No heartaches, no stress, no cares etc.
Wouldn%26#039;t life be better if we just run from reality and run from it all?
Life would be better if there were less inane, cowardly and evil people...

ergo... run away and create your own Nirvana.... make your own world... live your life as you SEE fit.... and NEVER EVER look back....
Wouldn%26#039;t life be better if we just run from reality and run from it all?
We probably all do it to some extent, but running away from reality can lead to all other types of evils depending upon your method. The no heartaches, no stress, no cares etc. is a pipedream at best. Some responsibility %26amp; discipline will be necessary to be truly happy. You are not God.
Reply:reality will intrude. there is no place to hide from it. i have tried. people don%26#039;t get it and will force you to return to it.
Reply:Wherever you go, there you are.

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