Thursday, March 26, 2009

Is weather or disease more interesting?

I was just thinking about two movies that I have seen. I can%26#039;t decide whether the end of days with weather or disease would be better. I like both but I need to choose one for a project that I am doing.
Is weather or disease more interesting?
For me Disease is more interestign. Weather, you already know what kinds there are. Disease, there are so many , some are not very known.
Is weather or disease more interesting? diverse and so weird sometimes
Reply:yeah i like the whole disease concept thing. more human interest from a story point of view. and it just sets itself up for more drama t i think.
Reply:Weather. Disease is so GROSS!
Reply:I think disease is interesting, unless destructive weather is a result of a %26quot;disease%26quot; we%26#039;ve inflicted on the planet. Maybe not so far from the truth.

Weather can cause imbalances in the number of disease-carrying insects on the planet. That could create a disease scenario.

Disease we inflict on the planet is disease inflicted upon ourselves.

theres more options available toa conclusion or what the disease is. It can be mutilation, sickness, makes us psycho ect..

weather is like we drown or get crushed by a hurricane destroying our home ect.

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