Thursday, March 26, 2009

If you could get only one anser in life what would be your question?

Do you marry me
If you could get only one anser in life what would be your question?
Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego?
If you could get only one anser in life what would be your question?
way me?
Reply:What would you want God to say when you reach the pealy gates of heaven?
Reply:%26quot;How do I go about getting all my lifes desires?%26quot;
Reply:what%26#039;s the meaning of life?
Reply:If God is perfect, and God created the devil, does that mean that introducing evil and corruption into the world was not a mistake?
Reply:There is one question, which if answered fully and correctly, will answer all others. That is to say, there will be no other questions left once this question is answered, as all will be known. This question pertains to each person individually, and the answer will address all. Mark these words carefully. There is no trick, and the answer is simple, profound, and encompasses all.

Here is the question:

Who am I?
Reply:Where is God?
Reply:What is six times seven?
Reply:What is the answer to all questions? (not that I don%26#039;t already know it)
Reply:where/who is my soul mate?
Reply:I am actively trying to get an answer to the only question that needs answering, the one already raised by steve.yo...:

Who am I?

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