Thursday, March 26, 2009

A question about God?

why don%26#039;t you believe in God?, if you don%26#039;t

why do you? if you do
A question about God?
When it was discovered that priests had been molesting children for decades and God never intervened, I realized that either God doesn%26#039;t exist or he is the most depraved deity who is not worthy of worship. I choose that he doesn%26#039;t exist. God showing up ends atheism forever. Perhaps he wants it to continue.
A question about God?
Show me the money.
Reply:The balance of nature attests to to divine creation...
Reply:When I look at the history of man%26#039;s 2,500 gods that he has invented within hundreds of religions, the idea that the one that was created 2,500 years ago in the middle east is the %26quot;real%26quot; one is beyond laughable.
Reply:i have faith in God because it makes sense that something exist out there. it is the only explanation for why some things are that makes any logical sense.
Reply:I believe because He/She gives me hope that there is something more out there than this.

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