Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why do I have thoughts of hurting people?

Why do I have thoughts of stabbing people with butcher knives?

Why me?

Why do I have these thoughts?

Why do I feel like I need to be in a mental hospital?
Why do I have thoughts of hurting people?
It is ok until you act on these thoughts.

if you are suffering these thoughts, look for what makes you have them.

who are they of?


when do you get these thoughts, at a certain time or after a certain event...

and come to conclusions %26amp; overcome these thoughts.
Why do I have thoughts of hurting people?
Look for the source and reason of these thoughts.Are you stressed,neglected,lonely.Or are you jealous of others?It may even stem from times long passed.Did you have a traumatic childhood?Ether way try meditating on it to clear it up.If it gets worse and you fear you%26#039;ll do something you shouldn%26#039;t, seek professional help.Such as a shrink or psychiatrist.I some times have these thoughts to because peoples seemingly boundless ignorance annoys the hell out of me.But the thoughts soon fade.
Reply:You need to see a doctor so they can help you out. Their are allot of medicines out there for you. Good luck, take care of yourself.
Reply:Honestly? I don%26#039;t think you%26#039;d be spacing out your lines like that if you were serious.

This question I cannot take seriously, because there is no detail, and if you really had a problem this severe, you%26#039;d take it more seriously, and try to get help for reals, instead of going on an online forum.

But if you are serious....get help, and disregard me.
Reply:You are angry and frustrated. Seek professional help to find what the anger is all about.
Reply:Because nobody pays attention to you?

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