Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity & both were exemplars?

The fully-worded Q is this: Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity %26amp; both were exemplars ***of how best to live***?
Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity %26amp; both were exemplars?
Jesus because he forgave me.
Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity %26amp; both were exemplars?
Socrates -- they could prove he existed.
Reply:Jesus is our Savior. You should always try to live for him. That%26#039;s all im saying.
Reply:Socrates he was Swedish!
Reply:Only Socrates isn%26#039;t fiction.
Reply:I don%26#039;t love either, but I would pick Socrates because at least he did more than pretend to heal people and hang from a tree.
Reply:Jesus came from God,died for our sins,bore the burden of all humanity,died,was resurrected,and will return.....
Reply:If I had to love someone simply because they died for a cause, I wouldn%26#039;t be able to keep track of them all.
Reply:Christ had alot of answers for his followers, whereas Socrates posed his alot of questions. I suppose it depends on what you value more.
Reply:Both guys are not easy to love. Jesus is too dogmatic and he overwhelms one with his goodness; Socrates is fond of insulting one%26#039;s stupidity and can hassle one with questionings to the point of annoying one.

My personal choice is Montaigne: he personalises self-overhearing far more than Shakespeare.

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