Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is love?

I just wanna know. Like what is it?
What is love?
Love, heh.

A petty human emotion.

I don%26#039;t know, it%26#039;s been probably the most talked about human emotion.

Love is innate from birth, to your parents, and such.

We think we%26#039;re in love when we%26#039;re teenagers.

We find love when we%26#039;re young adults/adults.

And we die with love.

It%26#039;s just always there -- i cannot describe it.

Some say an embracing feeling, others, butterflies. Some say the greatest, and the worst.

You%26#039;ll have to find out what love is yourself though.
What is love?
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

.A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.

at least thats what the dictionary says
Reply:Love is an emotional upsurge. It is eternal and cannot be bought. It is a pleasant feeling from your heart and soul
Reply:love is different for everybody.

Love is a chemical in our head, and how we view these effects depends on our upbringing.

We are in love with someone who triggers these chemicals most often, we form a bond through this.
Reply:love is a reciprocated feeling. meaning the person has the same feeling.
Reply:love is sickens.stay away from it.pleas.
Reply:Love...Well, It%26#039;s scientifically the increase of endorphins in you brain, caused by sudden arousal. It%26#039;s a crack-like feeling. Did you know love is the only %26quot;feeling%26quot; that stimulates the brain as crack-cocaine does? Yes, this is fact.

Some people would tell you love is this sappy thing, that lasts forever. But for me, the feeling that is uncannily like crack, only lasts for a week or so. What is Love? I don%26#039;t think sex has anything to do with it. It%26#039;s a bond. Not an attraction. It%26#039;s an agreeablilty, not some great mysterious thing. It%26#039;s survival.
Reply:some say

%26quot;love....the feeling that keeps me alive%26quot;

others say

%26quot;love...the feeling that kills me%26quot;

love is not an emotion. emotions can be explained with science and logic. love is beyond what humans can study.

love can be anything. love can be sex. love can be touch. love can be the feeling you have when you want to be with someone and never let go. theres a saying that everyone has two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, two lips, two hands and two legs...but why one heart? because you have to share love with everyone until you find someone who has your other heart. sure im a teenager...but that doesnt mean i cant love? sure im too young and enexperienced...but love certaintly can come from someone who saved your life, who was there for you when no one else wanted to. who supports you with all the love they have. when they want to be with you too. when they can set sex aside. when they dont care if you dont have money to pay for the gas. when they sacrifice there own needs just for you. love is just a fatal flaw that will one day crush us all. love is the eternal enemy. love is the weapon of death from the inside.

to me...that is what love truely means.

thats the definition of love from a lover.
Reply:I will tell you when I find it.
Reply:LOVE puts meaning to LIFE and thus makes life worthwhile.

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