Thursday, March 26, 2009

Why are we so fond of wrong ?

apparently not as fond as we are of vagueness
Why are we so fond of wrong ?
because of its good taste!!
Why are we so fond of wrong ?
We notice it more than %26quot;good%26quot; because as humans we tend not to like %26quot;wrong%26quot; more than we tend to like %26quot;good%26quot;...

Meaning, that wrong often overshadows good because we tend to notice it more more when somebody is at fault than when they do something good...

Its a prevent future %26quot;wrongs%26quot;...
Reply:Wrong educates us faster than Rights
Reply:There is only one right answer, but so many wrong ones. So if we do the right thing we are just conforming to society%26#039;s rules, which makes us doubt whether we are being ourselves or not. If we go the other way, we get to decide OURSELVES how to break the rules.

Doing wrong makes us feel a little free at the moment but greatly stupid later on depending on the consequences.

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