Thursday, March 26, 2009

What is the one major thing in life you want to do before you die?

Become the the one and only king of the planet earth.
What is the one major thing in life you want to do before you die?
This one has recently learned that it is a good time for this one to begin to do those things which this one might wish to do, or, at least to begin them, as no one can actually know how much time one has.

This one has chosen to begin studying aikido, learning to play the shakuhachi and is spending as much time as possible with his daughter (age 7 yrs plus).

Living each day in mindful awareness is also advisable showing loving kindness, compassion and caring to all.

Enjoy the true beauty of each day, each present moment is also wise.

Laughing with all whom this one meets is very good , too.

May it all be well with you.
What is the one major thing in life you want to do before you die?
First I don%26#039;t intend on ever dying...

but, I plan on becoming smart enough to create my own self sufficient world... sounds crazy huh? But I believe with extreme intellect anything is possible...
Reply:To learn who I am...
Reply:anal sex with you grim
Reply:Find someone to love..
Reply:Travel the world! I want to experience as many other cultures as I can.

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