Thursday, March 26, 2009

What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?

They%26#039;re not real,potentially evil...
What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?
we should not play God to the extent of actually creating life of our own. using things that we created. i worry that with really good artificial life will be an end to life as we know it and all of it%26#039;s meanings.
What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?
Once it%26#039;s living, how can it be termed %26#039;artificial`.

It is no less alive than %26quot;natural%26#039; life.

The ability to survive is the criterion that evolution

applies to %26quot;natural%26quot; life. Why should this powerful

tool be denied it?

True the potential for mistakes is there as with

any powerful tool, but, as with nuclear energy,

%26#039;you can%26#039;t put the Genie back in the bottle`.

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