Thursday, March 26, 2009

What does Johny Cash mean by a burning ring of fire?

Well June Carter wrote this song, while Johnny Cash was still married to his first wife... I think this song expresses her feelings towards Johnny. She fell for him, but being the chaste christian girl she was she thought it was a sin to %26quot;lust%26quot; after a married man and so on. However they had a huge attraction between eachother.. the flames of love were burning high for them! Basically the ring of fire perhaps meant she knew it was wrong, she might end up in the pitts of fire (hell) But the flames of attraction were much more intense, and she couldnt resist..... :/ yeah
What does Johny Cash mean by a burning ring of fire?
He says that love is a burning thing that makes a fiery ring bound by wild desire.

Some people say that they are %26quot;burning with passion%26quot;.

I believe he means that he is burning with passion for the object of his love. He fell in love and now he is burning with passion. The further into the love relationship he %26quot;falls%26quot; the hotter and higher the passion becomes %26quot;and the flames got higher and it burns, burns, burns%26quot;. He can%26#039;t escape it because he is surrounded by the %26quot;ring of fire%26quot;.


And I got a thumbs down for my opinion? How can you get a thumbs down for an opinion? Isn%26#039;t everyone entitled to their own opinion? It isn%26#039;t like I insisted everyone agree with me, I just put what I thought. Wow, that%26#039;s pretty impressive!!! lol
What does Johny Cash mean by a burning ring of fire?
maybe some fetish related stuff...
Reply:love, baby, love!!

Really importanat Question?

what is bewitching hour
Really importanat Question?
Really importanat Question?
no such thing

it%26#039;s the witching hour
Reply:Question, Why concern yourself with things that you have no control over?

Seek first the Kingdom of God for in this is Truth and happyness.

Dan 2:44

And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.
Reply:The witching hour is 1am am on hollows eve.
Reply:midnight to 3 AM

Eugenics question?

why is eugenics is seen in such a negative light? why is it a bad thing?
Eugenics question?
Playing god is usually looked at in a very negative light in our culture. It%26#039;s associated with Nazism.

Also, although the altruistic intents of eugenicists are admirable, the actual IMPLEMENTATION of eugenics has a history of being extremely violent, racist, sexist, and generally, is associated with state-sponsored sterilization or even genocide.

Like communism, eugenics is good in theory, but causes enormous amounts of suffering in actual practice.
Eugenics question?
You shall not Murder (Kill) Says the Lord God.


What right does a man have to take away Life that He did not give in the first place?

What right does a man have to say, I am the perfect representation of man and no other shall exist?

Exd 23:7

Keep yourself far from a false matter; do not kill the innocent and righteous. For I will not justify the wicked.
Reply:It is the reason - behind the use of eugenics - that can make it negative.

One attempted implementation of a form of eugenics was a %26quot;genius sperm bank%26quot; (1980鈥?9) created by Robert Klark Graham, from which nearly 230 children were conceived (the best known donors were Nobel Prize winners William Shockley and J.D.Watson). In the United States - there are some states that require a blood test prior to marriage. While these tests are typically restricted to the detection of the sexually transmitted disease syphilis (which was the most common STD at the time these laws were enacted), some partners will voluntarily test for other diseases and genetic incompatibilities.

Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention. Proposed means of achieving these goals focused on selective breeding, while modern ones focus on prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering.

Historically, a minority of eugenics advocates have used it as a justification for state-sponsored discrimination, forced sterilization of persons deemed genetically defective, and the killing of institutionalized populations. Eugenics was also used to rationalize certain aspects of the Holocaust.

Since the postwar period, both the public and the scientific communities have associated eugenics with Nazi abuses, such as enforced racial hygiene, human experimentation, and the extermination of undesired population groups. However, developments in genetic, genomic, and reproductive technologies at the end of the 20th century have raised many new questions and concerns about what exactly constitutes the meaning of eugenics and what its ethical and moral status is in the modern era. 鈾?br>Reply:1. because inevitably, eugenics requires that *someone decide* who is fit to reproduce and who isn%26#039;t, and every someone has values and an agenda related to their own interests, not the interest of the species. Even those who profess to have humanity%26#039;s progress and happiness at heart, are operating according to a set of cultural values, which are always narrow minded and shortsighted in some sense, whether they are elitist or not.

2. because if we bred ourselves to have certain traits, the earth environment might change in such a way that we were all unfit to survive. Nature provides the amount of variation needed to make us resilient enough to survive as a species.

3. eugenics privileges the interest of society over that of individual, but there is no %26quot;correct%26quot; way to define which is more morally important, or whether that is good or bad. It%26#039;s good for those who are arbitrarily defined as breeders, and bad for those who aren%26#039;t, but that%26#039;s all that can be rationally said about it.

4. eugenics involves physically coercing people to not reproduce, which is violent aggressive harm, and prohibitions against violent aggressive harm are necessary for civilization.
Reply:It is better to let nature have it%26#039;s way . Once man%26#039;s hand get involved it turns nasty .
Reply:That is an interesting question. I think it has more to do with historical reasons than with philosophical or rational reasons. Eugenics used to be favored by many good people in the US. It was seen as a way to help eliminate various problems which had a genetic basis. Then it became associated with Hitler, plans for %26quot;master races,%26quot; and forced sterilizations and fell out of favor.

Why it is bad, if it is bad will depend on the form it takes. Sterilizing poor people, petty criminals, or those with mental problems does seem to be very seriously wrong. Allowing a woman to use genetic data to choose sperm from a sperm bank doesn%26#039;t seem to be wrong at all. And of course evolutionary psychology indicates that when we choose a mate we are practicing eugenics (we tend to pick mates, unconsciously or consciously, who appear to have the best set of genes.)

Today the debate takes the form of genetic manipulation. So far there is near universal condemnation of parents being able to select the genes of their child. Most likely this opposition will, like opposition to many new technologies, fade with time.

Michael Jenkins: Eugenics does not involve killing.
Reply:Hello --

Are you sure about this ... eugenics might not be such a bad thing -- A lot people have considered it a very positive idea.

Get a good definition: and then ask yourself %26quot;What kind of children do I want?%26quot;

Welcome to real eugenics!

My guess is that it has something to do with racist ideology and practices in Hitler%26#039;s Germany.

W. H.

What is most important for you?

What is most important for you?
Getting along with everyone
What is most important for you?
True Love!!!
Reply:To be at peace with myself, with the people around me and with the world...
Reply:Depends on the day.
Reply:the people around me and my religion!
Reply:A sound mind in a sound body: in other words a life of good health. The need for a well-being can never be overestimated. Because health is the very basis of all our hopes and aspirations and dreams of fulfilment, I should place it above all our possessions. Imagine a situation when the doctor tells you that rest of your life will be a series of physical ailments; what then happens is that all of your prized visions of a secure and productive continued existence will be gone for ever.

All the perspective of a well-planned future will disappear in the absence of fruitful and healthy life. Think about this in depth. Many thanks.
Reply:for life to coexist on earth and for me to understand it. liveit.loveit. learnit.
Reply:peace and happiness omg i sound like a b***dy hippie ha
Reply:I live for the feeling of making a diffrence. We only have one shot at life and having our voice heard and affecting our peers is the supreme diffrence we can make. Our instances

of help and teachings should not be limited to our friends and aquentences. If I can make a diffrence in a strangers life I feel like I have broken the atmosphere set by our your-on-your-own culture. If everyone took 5 minutes a day just to reach out into the life of a friend, family member, or a stanger you can help our global community thrive which I feel is something important to all of us.
Reply:It is most important for me to have an understanding of how and why things happen the way they do, not only so that it helps me to accept them better but also because it makes everything fall within the purview of my logical grasp.
Reply:Freedom to think and do, without being judged.
Reply:my husband....truely....if he is happy, i am happy...if he is successful, i m successful...if he is appreciated, i am appreciated......for me, everything is him...
Reply:%26#039;The Bliss, only%26#039;.
Reply:Life..Nothing else matters much -- not wealth, nor learning, nor even health -- without this gift: the capacity to keep zest in living.. that you should be able to believe in life... because it gives me the chance to love, to work and to play!
Reply:Reaching the Goal.
Reply:Oneness With God.
Reply:Life with dignity and respect.
Reply:My Country, My Friends and My Family.

Why so many tears in this world..?

tears are there because of love... so there are many tears because theres alot of love.
Why so many tears in this world..?
In order to give you the opportunity to learn or grow..

Imagine a world where nothing ever went wrong, nothing bad ever happened etc etc pretty soon life would be a series of stale sucesses..

The world we currently have though teaches people to cope with adversity, help others, empathy/sympathy, learn tolerance by experiencing intolerance, learn justice from injustice etc etc etc
Why so many tears in this world..?
it what tha world is made up of . the world is made of problems and when we fail in tackling the problems we got tears
Reply:because emotion is a very powerful thing!
Reply:Tears are here for love. For sorrow. For joy. And for any burdens holding you back from your dreams. your cares, your wishes, and your achievements.
Reply:Because life is short, cruel and full of misery. See the Bible for details.
Reply:because of cruel causes and of love too. like the paraellels of the world. where there is life, comes death. where there is stupiditiy comes intelliegence. where there is choices comes consequences. they exist because it keeps balanced and other crap. all that stuff is understandable but what comes next is monkcrap. good but confusing....
Reply:I would agree that we cry because of love. You love some one and they hurt you and you cry. also horomones contribute to this. they make us emotional... and they make us love-- so i say blame the hormones.
Reply:It is because we are human...

I expect nothing less than human moments of joys and sadness...For without one, the other cannot exist....
Reply:tears mean emotion, and compassion. they signify love and dissapointment, hope and loss. tears are there because people care. so the day all the tears dry will be the saddest day on earth.
Reply:%26quot;Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow, we must fail in order to know. Sometimes our visions clear only after our eyes are washed away with tears.%26quot;

to answer your question: because good and evil coexist....
Reply:Because nobody can just be NICE. It obviously takes way to much effort. Okay... so some can, but they%26#039;re the ones who end up crying. Also nobody really cares for he world, they only care for themselves, therefore saving the planet doesn%26#039;t matter to them, they wont be here when it all goes **** up.
Reply:If you really want to make a difference in this sorry world, then you don%26#039;t have time for tears. You just grit your teeth and get on with the job in hand.

Weeping and wailing may bring relief, but they%26#039;re not very productive.
Reply:tears are not that bad sure you get tears of happiness :-)
Reply:because that is life. Lots of pain and lots of laughter.Lots of tears in our sleep. Only you can answer why you have tears. I am thinking of you
Reply:if you dnt have any trears u wont be able to enjoy ur joy ..i mean u will never knw wats joy then.........jst think if u wer happy would u ever remember ur god ........may be yeah bt not as such as u will remember in ur hard times..n if u bear trears fr his cause sure ull have a never ending happy life after death........the tears which u will have here or are having here rght are reported by god as nothing compared to tears ull have after death if u have done bad deeds in ur life ........this world is temporary in which i dnt think the majority of which enjoys it..i mean no one even minority of them re unhappy frm inside which frm outwards seems as if there very happy......n over all tears are part f life face it .
Reply:have u notice...when you%26#039;re feeling upset, worried or excited... tears are always cry maybe because you%26#039;re hurt or for intance tears of joy! whatever your feelings are it%26#039;s always there just like a friend that will never leave you %26#039;til it dries! ^.^
Reply:First Answerer is so right hun...Most of our tears are caused because of love....or lack of it for that matter! xxx
Reply:Some people wanted to cause tears for fun, then people who did not want to cause tears were pressured to cause tears, and then there were wars and famines and stuff, yup sadly much fo history=tears.
Reply:Its becouse we do nothing to wipe away the tears. we just let them fall and fill our rivers of blood.
Reply:Because life isn%26#039;t easy but life does offer many tears of joy as well. Hence all the tears.
Reply:because tears is part of our life
Reply:There%26#039;s gotta be something that balances the smiles...

What are some of Daniel Dennett's theories regarding the mind?

This guy sounds cool as hell, a real maverick. Thanks for bringing him to my attention.

%26quot;For centuries philosophers had grappled with the problem of the nature of consciousness, and at the end of the 20th century the mind-body problem still provoked lively debate. At home in this contentious milieu was philosopher Dan Dennett, head of the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University, Medford, Mass. Beginning in the 1960s Dennett argued, in an elegant and engaging style, for the materialist viewpoint--the idea that the mind can be described solely in terms of the workings of the brain. His latest book, Kinds of Minds, which appeared in 1996, advanced that argument yet another step.%26quot;

as a graduate student, Dennett became interested in the problem of consciousness and wrote his first thesis on the topic, which he later turned into his first book, Content and Consciousness (1969). He received a doctorate in philosophy in 1965, whereupon he returned to the U.S. to teach at the University of California, Irvine. In 1971 he moved to Tufts, eventually achieving the distinction of distinguished arts and sciences professor. %26quot;

%26quot;. . . as a graduate student, Dennett became interested in the problem of consciousness and wrote his first thesis on the topic, which he later turned into his first book, Content and Consciousness (1969). He received a doctorate in philosophy in 1965, whereupon he returned to the U.S. to teach at the University of California, Irvine. In 1971 he moved to Tufts, eventually achieving the distinction of distinguished arts and sciences professor. %26quot;

%26quot;Although trained in the philosophical tradition, Dennett was conversant in the fields of artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology. He educated himself in those disciplines, having become convinced that only by being informed by science could the philosophical debate about mind be productive. His somewhat unorthodox approach, which reflected his skepticism of traditional methods of philosophy, cast him as a radical among his colleagues. Nevertheless, his interdisciplinary strategy was becoming more prevalent among philosophers as scientific researchers gathered more information about the brain%26#039;s mechanisms. %26quot;

%26quot;In 1996 Dennett was involved with a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that was attempting to construct an intelligent, and perhaps even conscious, robot called Cog. He also continued to write. Throughout his career he authored a number of books that detail his theories of consciousness. Two recent efforts, Consciousness Explained (1991) and Darwin%26#039;s Dangerous Idea (1995), examine how the mindless process of natural selection can account for the evolution of the brain and human consciousness. Kinds of Minds continued to explore and, in Dennett%26#039;s view, to demystify those phenomena. %26quot;
What are some of Daniel Dennett%26#039;s theories regarding the mind?
One serious error in DD (1991): he grossly assumed that %26quot;Mind%26quot; is not, as it would leave (by current standards) energetic/material traces per causality.

This is simply an error well-known in quantum physics: i.e., that a standing wave (e.g., %26quot;Mind,%26quot; %26quot;God%26quot;) decoheres (i.e., moves into particularity, or e.g. human mentation) without necessitating either energetic or mass activity.

Thus, it were impossible for DD to have made such an egregious claim, had he known somewhat of quantum physics. See Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D., %26quot;Mindful Universe.%26quot;

Dr. William A. Tiller, has an interesting SU(2) field theory, with which he has obtained good, solid data, vis a vis intentionality and mind.

are examples of post-reductionist data which need philosophic awareness and understanding.

How can we define humanity and inhumanity today? How does humanity affect a civilization.?

I have to write a paper on this topic. It would be great if you can give me any ideas. Thanks.
How can we define humanity and inhumanity today? How does humanity affect a civilization.?
Humanity is respecting other human beings and not committing genocide.

Inhumanity is committing genocide on your fellow man/woman.
How can we define humanity and inhumanity today? How does humanity affect a civilization.?
Humanity is what inspires a culture to worry about it%26#039;s lowest members. So a society that likes giving tax cuts to the rich and corporations while taking $$ away from programs for the needy is a society that is low on the humanity scale.
Reply:Humanity is the characteristic of being human or human-like

So inhumanity is the exact is quality of not being human, being animalistic....

That leads to a question though, what constitutes as a human?

And for the sake of the argument we are going to skip physiological characteristics and just move on to mental and ethical characteristics...

As humans we are inclined to help and support other humans, we are sentient: we are capable of emotion, empathy, and perception, we are an intelligent species: we can create tools, solve problems, and discuss our thoughts, we create bonds with other humans: families and friends, we think not only ourselves, but also other humans, we are creative: we are able to create and appreciate music, art, and other aesthetics, etc...

So we have defined, to some extent, what constitutes as a human being, now we must use the term humanity in respect to civilization...

A civilization, in a broad definition, is a society with an advanced level of culture and social organization...So with that being said...In respect to humanity, all civilizations we know of are human...

What does this mean? It means that civilization itself is dependent on the fact that its very infrastructure is human-based, ergo, if there are no humans, then there is no civilization...

So humanity is essential to the process of civilization, if humans lose humanity, then we cannot be called humans, therefore, there will be no civilization...

Hope that answers your question...
Reply:in Humanity is the human species, human nature (e.g.compassion, altruism) and the human condition (the totality of experience of existing as a human). It is also the study of one branch of the humanities, academic disciplines which study the human condition using analytic, critical, or speculative methods.

while Inhumanity is the debut album of Finnish melodic death metal band Mors Principium Est. It was first released in 2003 and later reissued in 2006 with new artwork and three bonus tracks.

hope you like my answer

What is the relevance of "gang mentality" in the Lord of the Flies?

wow, did u even read the book?
What is the relevance of %26quot;gang mentality%26quot; in the Lord of the Flies?
Did you ever hear of the Nazis?
What is the relevance of %26quot;gang mentality%26quot; in the Lord of the Flies?
It has to do with mindlessly following the crowd. the actions that you would preform in a mob of people would probably not be the actions that you would preform on your own. like when a riot breaks out people have Mob mentality. everyone else is doing it so people who are normally mild tempered break windows and loot.

Define your own situation right now ?

...Are you happy...?
Define your own situation right now ?
yes... if somewhat a little apprihensive!
Define your own situation right now ?
kinda pissed cuz i lost a usb cord and im lookin for it
Reply:confused rly wanna work things out wit this person
Reply:no, just bored
Reply:umm not really

if i had to choose an emotion id say blank.
Reply:oh yeah...
Reply:Yes, I am on a scavenger hunt right now, looking for questions to answer!
Reply:I am happy right now because I%26#039;m laughing so hard at some of the funniest answers to some of the most ridiculous questions I%26#039;ve ever read.
Reply:no i%26#039;m going to kill myself maybe unless something comes up
Reply:no, i really don%26#039;t know what im doing right now. im 17 and i can%26#039;t seem to see my own future
Reply:yes but very tierd , part time job , full time mother (of 2 babies ), and wife ..
Reply:i am not as happy as i would like to be my fiance lives in USA and i live in UK all i want is me and her married and settled in one place as been apart is damaging my health mentally and physically.

I am happy in love but not happy at been away from her
Reply:yes , despite everything...I%26#039;m;s innate...I cannot explain it..just like that...
Reply:standing on the lawn looking at the grass grow and the squirrels playing.

I am very happy!
Reply:Nope, single mom dead beat dad, car broke down, no money to fix it, teenager needs clothes no way to pay for them, cannot afford groceries anymore as the prices are sky high, haven%26#039;t had a vaction in years, filed bankruptcy a few months ago, and I am becoming a recluse in my own home as I have no money to go anywhere or do anything (I can%26#039;t even afford the gas) Walking is great but who wants to walk in 90 degree heat? I have to care for my aging mother too. The good things are: I have a home, I have a great kid, I have pretty good health, my mom is still alive and doing good, I have a pretty good job and a few good friends and I am trying to keep my spirits up until this cloud of ill goes away. Sorry but you did ask. Thanks , I feel better now.
Reply:Yes absolutely! For the first time in my life of 60 years, I %26quot;am%26quot; positively glowing! Do you want to know why? Because I have the Lord in my life! Oh He has been there all of my life, but only in the last 25 years, did He make Himself known to me. It has been a work in progress, ever since. I have discovered many things in my walk with Him. None that I regret. All my experiences and knowledge I am able to use in helping others.

As a survivor of suicide many times over, I can honestly say; I love my life!
Reply:Mostly hun....Love hurts though...*winks*
Reply:i have peace in my soul, compassion in my heart, I%26#039;m at one with all around me and yes i am very happy, thank you for asking. lol
Reply:I have a little kitten named %26quot;Dready Dreads%26quot;. She is all black, except for a fingernail of white under her chin. She%26#039;s runnin around like a crazy nut, chasing her tail. She%26#039;ll never catch it. She makes me laugh, but I forgot what happiness is.

I think I was happy when my husband was alive. Cliff restored old cars. After they were done, and before he would sell them: he would take me for rides in them. I%26#039;ll never forget that smell.....a mixture of gasoline %26amp; old stale cigarettes. I know I felt at home then, sitting next to Cliff in an old car he was so proud of. I must have been happy too. Because I would start singing, and he would join in.
Reply:dazed :I
Reply:Thinking about how to get rid of astral;s killing me now...
Reply:Kinda happy. I am battling some health issues but trying to stay positive. Right now I am at work.Not working, of course. But I am the only one here so who cares. I work two part time jobs and would rather have one full time one. I am a student full time in massage school though, so I really can%26#039;t work full time....I would be a LOT happier if gas and grocery prices would go down. I was living on the edge as it was, before everything went up so dang high!I eat more vegetarian now.
Reply:nno im pissd bc i got posion ivy all over me
Reply:moneyless, loveless (or incapable of it atm), jobless, foodless sometimes but not homeless or totally friendless so yay?
Reply:Right now my mental health is getting more stable each day, so i guess my life is getting stable also.

Thank you God.
Reply:I%26#039;m trying to formulate a sentence out of the words , paddle creek without sh*t a
Reply:Currently I am looking for work as my former position was phased out due to office restructuring.

Am I happy? Deep down I am - on the surface I am trying hard to be.

I hope you are happy!! -----%26gt;--@


Reply:Yes I am very happy. You have to do your best to remain that way. Too many things in this life to alter our happiness. It%26#039;s not easy but who said life is? Stress, sadness and pain is the alternative and nobody wants that.

Why are we so fond of wrong ?

apparently not as fond as we are of vagueness
Why are we so fond of wrong ?
because of its good taste!!
Why are we so fond of wrong ?
We notice it more than %26quot;good%26quot; because as humans we tend not to like %26quot;wrong%26quot; more than we tend to like %26quot;good%26quot;...

Meaning, that wrong often overshadows good because we tend to notice it more more when somebody is at fault than when they do something good...

Its a prevent future %26quot;wrongs%26quot;...
Reply:Wrong educates us faster than Rights
Reply:There is only one right answer, but so many wrong ones. So if we do the right thing we are just conforming to society%26#039;s rules, which makes us doubt whether we are being ourselves or not. If we go the other way, we get to decide OURSELVES how to break the rules.

Doing wrong makes us feel a little free at the moment but greatly stupid later on depending on the consequences.

I don't see a big tree where is it exactly in fairytale forest?

is it near the wicthes house or..............WHAT?

If we were not "designed", then what is the catalyst for life?

What plunged us into existance in the first place? And don%26#039;t tell me the big bang please. What catapolted the big bang? If you think about it, does it really make sense to say we weren%26#039;t designed? Does it go with any sort of logic that there is a cause for everything?
If we were not %26quot;designed%26quot;, then what is the catalyst for life?
it makes far more logical sense than to assume some mystical man in the sky, lol.

Assuming you accept most scientific facts of the day, like the age of the universe and life on this planet, there is no other conclusion to draw. Dinosaurs %26quot;ruled%26quot; the earth for like 200 million years, life has been here for almost 1 billion years. There have been 5 major die-offs on this planet, at least one that killed like 95% of all species.

if not for the most recent, about 65 million years ago, mammals would VERY likely be little rodents hiding from the big lizards still. How can u look at that and say that humans, who have been here for at most 6 million years, are the ones it is all designed for? it%26#039;s ridculous.

EDIT: Christian Hegele, logic does NOT require the existence of god by language alone, that is ludicrous. There are numerous objections to it that, to me, are far more convincing:
If we were not %26quot;designed%26quot;, then what is the catalyst for life?

It is the Great Sorter of things

Verification? Look around and in you
Reply:Many atheists accept experience and existence as %26quot;brute facts%26quot; and their deeper sources beyond rational explanation. They are what we philosophy types call %26quot;Phenomenologists%26quot;. Therefore, appeal to causation or design arguements for God%26#039;s existence are going to be met with skepticism. To these people, such questions are simply beyond the scope of any prudent application of reason. There is nothing inconsistent in this position.

Other atheists (like Dawkins) are rationalists AND atheists, and I think this position is inconsistent. They say that the universe is accessible to human reason through the exercise of logic; that the universe %26quot;obeys%26quot; the principles of logic, so to speak. However, they also reject the notion that God exists, even though logic informs us God is necessarily existent as much as a square has 4 sides or a married bachelor is impossible (see %26quot;Ontological Argument%26quot; for more info). Thus, their view is untenable, IMHO.

Edit: Hey, %26quot;dude%26quot;.

Well, the existence of God is not so much proved by argument, but it is a self-evident truth .... a %26quot;clear and distinct perception%26quot;, so to speak. Furthermore, it%26#039;s the %26quot;archimedean point%26quot; of my entire epistimology, seeming to me to be even more fundamental and self-evident than Descartes%26#039; cogito. Can you imagine a non-existent God without committing a logical contradiction? Neither can I!

Furthermore, it allows me to escape skepticism and assert my rationalist stance. The universe behaves logically because God is logical, and God created the universe. The corner-stone to every good, Rationalist programme is a belief in God. See Leibniz, Spinoza, Descartes, Malebranche, etc. etc.

How does an Atheist justify his rationalism without appeal to God? That is to say, what reason has he to assume the universe must follow the same rules of logic that govern the mind? As Hume pointed out, why should repeated observations of a certain occurance be taken as any indication that its future occurance is more likely? Isn%26#039;t that just habit? (Problem of Induction)

Without an appeal to God -- an intelligent mind that has ordered the universe according to logic -- believing in %26quot;science%26quot; is either blind faith and prone to skepticism, or else is viewed merely as an inescapable consequence of human psychology (and the view collapses to phenomenolism). Thus, in my opinion, Rationalist Atheism is just as religious and irrational as Evangelist Fundamentalism.

By the way, which objection convinces you the most? Hume is so vague and imprecise, it%26#039;s frustrating. Gaunilo was just plain wrong -- %26quot;perfection%26quot; within a species is a totally different concept than %26quot;maximal perfection%26quot;. Kant%26#039;s is the only half-decent objection, and is easily dispatched with the observation that while %26quot;existence%26quot; in itself might not be a predicate, %26quot;necessary existence%26quot; assuredly is.
Reply:Those who seek dogma will create it where none exists.
Reply:There is a good logic for existence having no cause. The universe is, after all, the material of existence. Without that material there is no %26quot;existence.%26quot; So we are not talking about the creation of planets and gasses and life. We are talking about the fact that existence exists within which those things that we call matter, whether it has life or not, find their place. That place cannot have been created without contradiction.

%26quot;Naturalism, challenging the cogency of the cosmological, teleological, and moral arguments, holds that the universe requires no supernatural cause and government, but is self-existent, self-explanatory, self-operating, and self-directing, that the world-process is not teleological and anthropocentric, but purposeless...%26quot;

Life requires no supernatural cause. It happened because it happened, as all things in nature have happened and will happen. To believe we were %26quot;created%26quot; is anthropomorphic. That means projecting your own views of what it is to be human onto a %26quot;thing%26quot; which you assume to have the powers of humans--multiplied infinitely.

What if you stopped projecting your image of a being capable of production, of imagination, of creation? For that matter, why do you do it? If existence has existed for eternity, then it could not have been created. And if existence once did not exist, then you contradict the meaning of the word %26quot;existence.%26quot;
Reply:I personally I don%26#039;t believe in the big bang theroy.Explain thought/speech?GOD IS and will always be my CREATOR..Blessings Yahoo

Why do you think that people are so comfortable with their contribution to self-destruction?

Do you think that it is because the worst punishment that is in law for self-destruction is integration into a self-destructive organization?

People know what is good for their own survival, but when they begin to mingle with more people they begin to make major errors in judgement. Why can%26#039;t people get along with each other? Is it because everyone always wants someone to claim as their servant and life is some sort of pyramid scheme?

How do you define anarchy? I think that anarchy arises from the breaking of one%26#039;s own rules. Based on that premise, that would make us all anarchists. However, only those people who are honest enough to admit that they are anarchists are punished. Do you agree? Does that make us all %26quot;bad people%26quot; or just the dishonest ones?

If a society makes its living by exploiting another society and a member of the first society refuses to cooperate then does that make the outcast a %26quot;bad%26quot; person for not leaving the society and joining the ranks of the abused?
Why do you think that people are so comfortable with their contribution to self-destruction?
I%26#039;m not saying you dont%26#039; have a point in there--somewhere. But your entire proposition has so many fallacies of logic, it%26#039;s impossible to address your question.
Why do you think that people are so comfortable with their contribution to self-destruction?
okay, I%26#039;m going to tie a few of your points in to answer your general question.

As I see it, human nature is flawed. it is human nature to take the easiest and most pleasurable, for the moment, route out of any situation. Due to the fact that we are here to learn to do otherwise, I don%26#039;t think that it%26#039;s a big deal.

The fact is that people are comfortable with their contribution to their own self destruction when they don%26#039;t know any better. When they do know better, they are not comfortable with it, but often despair gets ahold of them and takes them spiralling further and further down the wrong path they began.

What do you think?
Reply:woah! difficult question, erm. I%26#039;m drinking so prepare for crap answers!! Q.1 It%26#039;s easier not to care about something important apposed to something you care about(whatever it might be)

q2. Depends on how vulnerable you are socially- (Something you can%26#039;t measure yourself)i.e bad company

Q3. Error is the only way to learn in a practical sense, you learn from your mistakes or/and some people fear you, even if your the nicest guy in the office so they put you down. Ignore them as best you can...

q4. having been involved in some school riots a few years ago I would define that as anarchy!!! windows smashed, fires,

seafood all over the corridors... you get my point!

q5. Depends on why really
Reply:You don%26#039;t get anarchism. It does not mean hypocrisy; anarchism supports free association, opposes the state, and opposes hierarchy. (At the very least, anarchists oppose involuntary hierarchy; anarchists often try to create egalitarian alternatives to the semi-voluntary hierarchies too).

There are several different traditions which respect these values, and usually recognize each other as forms of anarchism. These traditions borrow ideas from classical liberalism, from early socialism, from each other, and sometimes from other sources.

People depend on each other. People tend to create their own voluntary social order, including free association, reciprocity, mutual aid, and, if necessary, mutual defense. Once people create this order, a state, or any other criminal gang, is in trouble. So the state, to preserve itself, must preempt voluntary social order.

Highleyman, %26quot;An introduction to anarchism:%26quot;

%26quot;An anarchist FAQ:%26quot; or (same text)
Reply:Here I quote what you say that I believe are most telling points about human nature:

%26quot; People know what is good for their own survival, but when they begin to mingle with more people they begin to make major errors in judgement [...]

[So...true...the test where theory meets practice, that the effort can be made genuine or not]

%26quot;I think that anarchy arises from the breaking of one%26#039;s own rules [emphatically so, true]. Based on that premise, that would make us all anarchists [in fact, this result is what should be made to yield truth]. However, only those people who are honest enough to admit that they are anarchists are punished. %26quot; [yes, and this is the great arbiter any way and unfortunately or not is a result that has to be, and is a mandate and the healer both, that few if any choose to confront] Denial can be likened to a disease.

Your train of thought is curious, which subtlety is so easily overlooked. There is much beneath it. Surely it does not misbecome us to look to ourselves first, which is truly the test of how deeper pomp and circumstance are and must be brought to bear, for which one is led to know just %26quot;where the rubber meets the road,%26quot; that is, where platitude has first to be tested for its utility and made or not made practical and genuine by proof; and made evident to any the observer%26#039;s heart that has been so without such gift.
Reply:Oh, I thought this was going to be a lecture on the ills of tobacco smoking.

%26#039;Do you think that it is because the worst punishment that is in law for self-destruction is integration into a self-destructive organization?%26#039;

The punishment, then, is before the wrong deed; we are born into such an organization, but formerly in criminal punishment the organization (prison), is concerted destruction (less so in these modern times).

%26#039;Is it because everyone always wants someone to claim as their servant and life is some sort of pyramid scheme?

Class society.

%26#039;How do you define anarchy? %26#039;

Class less society with individualism as the ego ideal. There are teachers and the taught (the students), a class organization, Could any society perpetuate its self having no organized education.

%26#039;If a society makes its living by exploiting another society and a member of the first society refuses to cooperate then does that make the outcast a %26quot;bad%26quot; person for not leaving the society and joining the ranks of the abused?%26#039;

Is your subject national society or class society. If national, then such a person is a traitor, if class society, then such a person is proletariat. Conscientious objection is legal, but where is one to go if not to be self destructive.

%26#039;If a society has wronged an individual member then the individual has the right to remove their contributions entirely from the society.%26#039;

Assuming the individual did not wrong the society, when that property is sold, the right of ownership passes over to the other. Self property is not sold but rented for a term specified in a contract, but stolen in slavery. Product property, the personal property sellable or alienable from the producing human as producer for that product, is not self property but an extension for self property for that self%26#039;s purpose. When that product is sold the right for ownership is sold with it and passes over to the other purchaser or buyer.

%26#039; I believe that for the individual to descend themselves on behalf of those who have wronged them is to set an exploitive example.%26#039;

Do you mean sell self%26#039;s labor and forfeit limited terms unrevokable? Yes, that is unconscienable.

%26#039;Perhaps the nation will recognize its wrong-doings only if the contributions from individual are removed; the contributions taken for granted as they are.%26#039;

It has been done, it does not work.

%26#039;I don%26#039;t intend to imply that the society is never supportive to its members. I do intend to imply that the wronged, setting a strong example, will assist the members of society in building a more stable system of liberties. Let the worth of the contributions be evaluated by those who collaborate for them and with them. At any rate, it is immaterial whether the contributions have the magnitude that any member of society deems to them. It is only important that the contributing member be liberated to come and go as he/she pleases regardless of the deeming. If this rule is followed then people will settle in comfort with their proximity; where that proximity is, is not critical except to those people who hope to remove his/her liberties and exploit him/her.%26#039;

The real magnitude is scientific and objective and measurable and any other sense for magnitude is purely subjective and lacks the necessary competency, though it has the value for initiating the value concept, need.

Is there really a such thing as a soul? Or is it an emotional concept?

If we had a soul, what exactly would it consist of? An electrical energy perhaps? An invisible element, like the wind? And what would be its purpose? Would it be that which controlls our mind? The source of life as we know it, in memory and emotion?
Is there really a such thing as a soul? Or is it an emotional concept?
a) no

b) yes, in that it%26#039;s an invention of an emotional need.
Is there really a such thing as a soul? Or is it an emotional concept?
The soul is the result of brain flatulation
Reply:There doesn%26#039;t appear to be any evidence to suggest the existence of a soul. Certainly it doesn%26#039;t control our minds, if it did then its effects would be measurable and it would be detected. And memory and emotion are certainly controlled by our brains, not souls.
Reply:Many people like to believe in the idea of a soul, and we often look to the empirical world to bolster our religious or spiritual beliefs, searching for corroborating physical evidence. Just such scientific proof seemed to come in 1907,when a Massachusetts doctor named Duncan MacDougall devised experiments that he expected would actually measure the soul. Using six terminally ill patients on a specially-constructed scale bed, he measured their weight before, during, and after death. His results were mixed, but he concluded that there was indeed a very slight loss of weight, 21 grams on average
Reply:a) What do you mean by soul? Different people have different definitions. If you are talking about the religious %26quot;immortal soul%26quot; concept, there is not evidence for it, so I say no, there is no such a thing as a soul.

b) The rest of the questions are irrelevant. There is no soul.

c) The wind is not an element, nor is it invisible.
Reply:I%26#039;ll tell you what I think, the soul is the part of our being that lives on after these bodies of ours die. What it is made up of, I don%26#039;t know, but it%26#039;s the thing that we%26#039;re here to develop through life%26#039;s lessons. It%26#039;s purpose, we cannot know, we can never fully explain that, because we cannot say for sure WHY we%26#039;re here, or even HOW we got here.

One thing that I know for sure, it is the most integral part of us, and remains as much a mystery as anything else that baffles the human mind. It%26#039;s beyond our comprehension.
Reply:Yes, we have a %26quot;soul%26quot; in the sense of an immaterial part of us that gives rise to consciousness.

Consciousness must be rooted in the immaterial (in my opinion) because it%26#039;s the only view that can provide a successful account of qualia -- the phenomenological %26quot;events%26quot; of life. Wiki %26quot;qualia%26quot; for more info.

What is the substance of the soul, if not matter? Well, I%26#039;m tempted to go with Descartes on this and insist that the soul is %26quot;made of%26quot; thought itself. That is to say, the soul%26#039;s essence is *thought* -- in the same way matter%26#039;s essence is *extension*.
Reply:I am an atheist who belives in the soul:

%26quot;...that as man is a being of self-made wealth, so he is a being of self-made soul...

%26quot;[Man must earn self-esteem] by shaping his soul in the image of his moral ideal...

%26quot;...the first precondition of self-esteem is that radiant selfishness of soul which desires the best in all things, in values of matter and spirit, a soul that seeks above all else to achieve its own moral perfection, valuing nothing higher than itself—and that the proof of an achieved self-esteem is your soul’s shudder of contempt and rebellion against the role of a sacrificial animal...

%26quot;[Man has been taught] that his body and his consciousness are two enemies engaged in deadly conflict, two antagonists of opposite natures, contradictory claims, incompatible needs, that to benefit one is to injure the other, that his soul belongs to a supernatural realm, but his body is an evil prison holding it in bondage to this earth—

%26quot;A body without a soul is a corpse, a soul without a body is a ghost—

%26quot;[Man has been taught that there is a] split between [his] soul and body...

%26quot;[Man%26#039;s] vision, his strength, his courage came from his own spirit. A man’s spirit, [ ] is his self.

%26quot;[American freedom] could not stand on the mystic split that divorced man’s soul from his body.

%26quot;That which you call your soul or spirit is your consciousness, and that which you call “free will” is your mind’s freedom to think or not, the only will you have, your only freedom, the choice that controls all the choices you make and determines your life and your character.

%26quot;This, my body and spirit, this is the end of the quest. I wished to know the meaning of things. I am the meaning.

%26quot;The fortune of my spirit is not to be blown into coins of brass and flung to the winds as alms for the poor of the spirit.

%26quot;I covet no man%26#039;s soul, nor is my soul theirs to covet.%26quot;

%26quot;For in the temple of his spirit, each man is alone.%26quot;

%26quot;[The word %26quot;we%26quot;] must never be placed first within man%26#039;s soul...%26quot;

Many of these quotes are from “The Soul of an Individualist,” from %26quot;For the New Intellectual.%26quot; Some are from from the novella %26quot;Anthem.%26quot;

But all were written by the most ardent atheist of the 20th century, Ayn Rand. And I stand by every word about the soul that she wrote, because it was my soul she was describing.
Reply:I believe emotions/the soul are simular........Blessings Yahoo
Reply:Yaoi hit it pretty good. Someone also wrote %26quot;We don%26#039;t have souls, we have bodies. We are souls.%26quot;

How else do we explain our very essence?
Reply:How far-fetched is the idea ?

There might be something to it.

Maxwell predicted radio waves.

Hertz then discovered radio waves.

I%26#039;d rather trust my own judgement that believe someone else pontificating that souls did not exist.

Is reality realative?

If I convince myself that a wall isnt there will it dissapear? stuff like that.
Is reality realative?
The concept of impermanence - the realization that nothing is of duration but subject to constant change, has been stressed and been pointed out by many thinkers of all times.

The human being however has the wish for Permanence and Security and tries to create conditions which give him the feeling that this wish is reality.

What is achieved, is that he is creating a world in his mind and believes it to be real, which does not exist at all.

This then is called relative reality. And this is far away from absolute reality.

The reason can be found in the fact, that the human mind does not really perceive his environment.

The informational data, which his mind uses to work on the image of his surroundings are incomplete; the sources of these informations are unreliable.

Which sources of perception are at our disposal? We see, hear, taste, smell and feel. These are the five basic senses. Is there anything beyond that?
Is reality realative?
Yes - think really hard and drop something heavy on your foot. All your questions shall be answered.
Reply:I would say that its only possible to interact with the physical world by physical means. Our perceptions however are only an interpretation of this physical reality, so how closely they mirror reality itself is probably mostly dependent our mental condition. It can be argued that physical reality itself could differ drastically to how we see it eg, colours and sounds are merely frequencies with no identity other than their quantative relevance. Not only do we see colours and hear sounds, we categorise and subcategorise, we even react emotionally towards them.

As for our own mental reality, we are capable of building mental walls and knocking them at the bat of an eyelid. But the principal thing that governs this is our chosen beliefs and our own sense of conviction in that belief system.
Reply:Terrific question. Thanks.

Who or what do you have a tremendous amount of respect for?

I respect people who know the difference between philosophy and a poll.
Who or what do you have a tremendous amount of respect for?
I have a tremendous amount of respect for insightful, and very genuine individuals.

Honestly, I cannot tell you how much I respect people with these qualities.

i try to respect everyone, we%26#039;re all human... but I%26#039;m only human, and I respect some more than others.
Who or what do you have a tremendous amount of respect for?
Adolf Hitler
Reply:I have a huge amount of respect for Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal, they are both actors but they are so courageous. They show the world their beliefs no matter how controversial, they have the same types of beliefs as I do and they are wonderful people. They support many political and social causes, they are big democrats and support gay rights, they help with environmental causes. I want to be an actress one day and I want to speak out about my beliefs the way they are. They are also amazing actors and they touch me deeply.

Their not afraid to tell the world what they think, even if it means some won%26#039;t like them anymore. Their Heroes
Reply:Artists who inspire others.
Reply:my children, mother earth and everyone who dares to challenge the norm

What is your inspiration in life?

The thing that drives your through your hardships, that someone to make you smile and move on. The music that makes you enjoy your life and to want to keep living.

What is your inspiration?
What is your inspiration in life?
lulz and drugs
What is your inspiration in life?
Her... I based my life upon her...

She%26#039;s so pure.. so beautiful.. so perfect, I just want the best for... her and I just don%26#039;t quit fighting to make her fulfill her dreams and aspirations. All the noghts I pray for her, her family and of course all the people, that can keep fighting, just like the way I%26#039;m doing. The love is the everything y%26#039;know..? just make do everything.. supernatural feeling...
Reply:30 seconds to mars%26#039; music.

it sounds like childish obsession over a band. but no, their lyric is pretty much keep me going in life :) [that is, give me strength and inspiration, something like that]

In an organization responsible for safety-critical software, there will be differences in capabilities of the?

staff, and the approaches they take to their work, and should this result in better quality ? (More diverse approaches to problems therefore better problem solving).

If an organzation responsible for safety-critical software exists for a long time, will it eventually be......

hampered by irrevocable decisions it has made ?

(Someone will have decided - This experimental version of software has problems but we will soldier on with it and fix it, as opposed to going back to the previous software we were using. - The organization is eventually typecast by the litany of bad decisions it has made.- An early bad decision may have been to not keep too many fallback versions. Sometimes a decision-maker would have said %26quot;Keep (only) the last 3 versions%26quot;.)

Wouldn't life be better if we just run from reality and run from it all?

No heartaches, no stress, no cares etc.
Wouldn%26#039;t life be better if we just run from reality and run from it all?
Life would be better if there were less inane, cowardly and evil people...

ergo... run away and create your own Nirvana.... make your own world... live your life as you SEE fit.... and NEVER EVER look back....
Wouldn%26#039;t life be better if we just run from reality and run from it all?
We probably all do it to some extent, but running away from reality can lead to all other types of evils depending upon your method. The no heartaches, no stress, no cares etc. is a pipedream at best. Some responsibility %26amp; discipline will be necessary to be truly happy. You are not God.
Reply:reality will intrude. there is no place to hide from it. i have tried. people don%26#039;t get it and will force you to return to it.
Reply:Wherever you go, there you are.

What do you think the role of friendship plays in achieving happiness?

caring for someone else is a huge way to gain happiness

knowing someone cares for you is Reassurance. reassurance is happiness.
What do you think the role of friendship plays in achieving happiness?
NONE... only you can make yourself happy. Money, love, friendship etc... can add to enjoyment... but they do not make you happy...
What do you think the role of friendship plays in achieving happiness?
a major part, having friends around for meal, watching a film together then talking about it, arguing about some political question, having practical help at times, and just very occasionally talking deeply about problems not to solve them just to share the concern -- friends are one of the best inventions ever.

What is the one major thing in life you want to do before you die?

Become the the one and only king of the planet earth.
What is the one major thing in life you want to do before you die?
This one has recently learned that it is a good time for this one to begin to do those things which this one might wish to do, or, at least to begin them, as no one can actually know how much time one has.

This one has chosen to begin studying aikido, learning to play the shakuhachi and is spending as much time as possible with his daughter (age 7 yrs plus).

Living each day in mindful awareness is also advisable showing loving kindness, compassion and caring to all.

Enjoy the true beauty of each day, each present moment is also wise.

Laughing with all whom this one meets is very good , too.

May it all be well with you.
What is the one major thing in life you want to do before you die?
First I don%26#039;t intend on ever dying...

but, I plan on becoming smart enough to create my own self sufficient world... sounds crazy huh? But I believe with extreme intellect anything is possible...
Reply:To learn who I am...
Reply:anal sex with you grim
Reply:Find someone to love..
Reply:Travel the world! I want to experience as many other cultures as I can.

Would this be good advice for a safety-critical computerization effort ?

%26lt;%26lt;I have found that doing the right thing does not always include doing what my boss %26quot;orders me%26quot; to do. If your boss tells you to do something there usually is an ethics office that recognizes the liability issues. I believe the Pearl Harbor file method of covering your *** is counter productive. Stop working for anybody that has the attributes you seem to think the %26quot;boss%26quot; had.%26gt;%26gt; (by %26quot;anonimous%26quot;)

"They don't often succeed." Please elaborate. Thank you in advance!?


I need to know who sings the song more, it is from the early 60's?

more than the greatest love you%26#039;llMore than the greatest love the world has known

This is the love I鈥檒l give to you alone

More than the simple words I try to say

I鈥檒l only live to love you more each day

I know I never lived before and

My heart is very sure that no one else could love you more

Longer than always is along long time

But far beyond forever you鈥檒l be mine

More than you鈥檒l ever know my heart longs to hold you so

My life will be in your keeping waking, sleeping, laughing weeping

More than the greatest love the world has known

This is the love I鈥檒l give to you alone

More than the simple words I try to say

I鈥檒l only live to love you more each day

I know I never lived before and

My heart is very sure that no one else could love you more

Longer than always is along long time

But far beyond forever you鈥檒l be mine

More than you鈥檒l ever know my heart longs to hold you so

My life will be in your keeping waking, sleeping, laughing weeping
I need to know who sings the song more, it is from the early 60%26#039;s?
Indra Ponti %26quot;More%26quot;

Its a cover, though.

Originally written by Marcello Ciorciolini, R. Ortolani, N. Oliviero; English translation by Norman Newell

More info on %26quot;More%26quot;. On the soundtrack for A Walk on the Moon (1999) That song was sung by Bobby Darin.... and he%26#039;s early %26#039;60%26#039;s. So that might be what you are looking for....

What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?

They%26#039;re not real,potentially evil...
What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?
we should not play God to the extent of actually creating life of our own. using things that we created. i worry that with really good artificial life will be an end to life as we know it and all of it%26#039;s meanings.
What are some of the reasons to oppose artificial life?
Once it%26#039;s living, how can it be termed %26#039;artificial`.

It is no less alive than %26quot;natural%26#039; life.

The ability to survive is the criterion that evolution

applies to %26quot;natural%26quot; life. Why should this powerful

tool be denied it?

True the potential for mistakes is there as with

any powerful tool, but, as with nuclear energy,

%26#039;you can%26#039;t put the Genie back in the bottle`.

Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity & both were exemplars?

The fully-worded Q is this: Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity %26amp; both were exemplars ***of how best to live***?
Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity %26amp; both were exemplars?
Jesus because he forgave me.
Who do you love more: Jesus or Socrates? Both died for the cause, both loved humanity %26amp; both were exemplars?
Socrates -- they could prove he existed.
Reply:Jesus is our Savior. You should always try to live for him. That%26#039;s all im saying.
Reply:Socrates he was Swedish!
Reply:Only Socrates isn%26#039;t fiction.
Reply:I don%26#039;t love either, but I would pick Socrates because at least he did more than pretend to heal people and hang from a tree.
Reply:Jesus came from God,died for our sins,bore the burden of all humanity,died,was resurrected,and will return.....
Reply:If I had to love someone simply because they died for a cause, I wouldn%26#039;t be able to keep track of them all.
Reply:Christ had alot of answers for his followers, whereas Socrates posed his alot of questions. I suppose it depends on what you value more.
Reply:Both guys are not easy to love. Jesus is too dogmatic and he overwhelms one with his goodness; Socrates is fond of insulting one%26#039;s stupidity and can hassle one with questionings to the point of annoying one.

My personal choice is Montaigne: he personalises self-overhearing far more than Shakespeare.

What is the meaning...?

of life?
What is the meaning...?
its what ever you make it
What is the meaning...?
Reply:That is for you to decide. I personally think of it as a rpg game like runescape, but if you die.. you dont start out back at your house :D
Reply:a big mess we get to make before we die
Reply:That is a very good question and all though no one can ever be certain, since I was little I was sure I knew and I%26#039;m still sure. I believe that the meaning of life is love. Love is such a powerful strong thing, something so beautiful that it can rise above all else and last for forever. People are always going around getting married to people they don%26#039;t love, they settle and then get divorced. But if you wait for someone special you may just find your soul mate. I think that you can really only love one person your whole life, and if you find that person nothing else really matters.

In the immortal words of the Beatles


love is the meaning of life I%26#039;m sure of it.
Reply:LIFE is an opportunity---to share, to love and to be the best person u can be. In this world of ours where there seems be a lot of chaos, hungry people around, people killing other people and things like that, we indeed need to do something to make a difference. But to change the world, we need to start with ourself. For though we may not have notice it, every act we do affects the other.

Critically compare plato and freud on the human psyche?

essay form
Critically compare plato and freud on the human psyche?
Two words--Yin,Yang...

A question about God?

why don%26#039;t you believe in God?, if you don%26#039;t

why do you? if you do
A question about God?
When it was discovered that priests had been molesting children for decades and God never intervened, I realized that either God doesn%26#039;t exist or he is the most depraved deity who is not worthy of worship. I choose that he doesn%26#039;t exist. God showing up ends atheism forever. Perhaps he wants it to continue.
A question about God?
Show me the money.
Reply:The balance of nature attests to to divine creation...
Reply:When I look at the history of man%26#039;s 2,500 gods that he has invented within hundreds of religions, the idea that the one that was created 2,500 years ago in the middle east is the %26quot;real%26quot; one is beyond laughable.
Reply:i have faith in God because it makes sense that something exist out there. it is the only explanation for why some things are that makes any logical sense.
Reply:I believe because He/She gives me hope that there is something more out there than this.

How do you regain trust and confidence after you have had it broken on 2 separate actions first by a nasty?

work mates who did it all internally so you could not prove any thing ,and then buy a bullying ex-husband who bad behavier was covered up by his friends .I am fed up of people saying i have done this wrong and that wrong with no mention of the harm that as been done to me
How do you regain trust and confidence after you have had it broken on 2 separate actions first by a nasty?
Tell them all to scratch the mad spot, You know that you%26#039;re right so move on. You won%26#039;t (and probably don%26#039;t want to) re-establish their trust or confidence. Screw them and enjoy your accomplishments.
How do you regain trust and confidence after you have had it broken on 2 separate actions first by a nasty?
the world is cruel. Ignore your workmate, even if it means seeking other employment.

as for the ex, dont to anything rash other than keeping your distance. Time supposedly heals all wounds.
Reply:This is social science and this is all about your importance , ego . They say u can never regain the lost trust and that is true . Al u can do is to be closer to him if u cant help and just be there for him for some time . If he notices it , well and good otherwise life is not too long to spend this way .
Reply:You don%26#039;t. When people give you a reason to stop trusting them move on. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but also be upfront with people about that which you will not tolerate in your life.

Bullies don%26#039;t concern me because there are ways to deal with them, but if this is a limit for you, it is up to you to act on it. If bullying is unacceptable then leave and don%26#039;t look back.

The chances of changing someone%26#039;s behaviour is unlikely although rarely possible. it is then a choice on your part of what you will allow.

Just know that not everyone in life behaves that way.

Pay attention to how people deal with anger in general.

Pay attention to how people deal with jealousy in general.

Pay attention to how people deal with conflict.

It%26#039;s a good indication of what you are headed for as you get out and meet new people.
Reply:How many times are you going to rehash the same question? You have to stop being so needy and desperate. You must be giving out vibes which attracts the bully. No one really gets pushed where they don%26#039;t WANT to go. IF everyone is telling you that you have done things wrong... maybe you need to ask them for clarification and analyse your own behaviours. Are you in denial about your own contribution to events?
Reply:YOu reagin oyur trust adnself confidence when you can believe in your own truths- Rudyard Kipling said it wellin hte poem %26#039;If%26#039; If tou can trust yourself when all men doubt you adn make allowance for their dounting too - if you can bnear to hear the truth you %26#039;ve spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools..........

Let it go that they couldn%26#039;t be human and trust yourself that you can cope with whatever the world throws at you.

After a while you might see that they did you a favour in terms of learning.

the world does stink you have to get used to the smell.

If God had a dog, what kind of dog would it be?

If God had a dog, what kind of dog would it be?
wow, god is fictional, what a total waste of time
If God had a dog, what kind of dog would it be?
A dog who doesn%26#039;t move his bowels. Because if the dog did it in heaven, guess where it lands?
Reply:a backward one with a capital letter.
Reply:Shiloh Shepard
Reply:Bull Mastiff - A black one with brown and white spots on it%26#039;s toes
Reply:Hmm, Any? As long as it was loyal I would think.

But I would choose a Miniature Pincher. Beagles are annoying dogs but cute. They howl to much and they are diggers.
Reply:what a silly question. he has a black lab. the black lab i used to have, till it was shot by an out-of-state hunter . missouri plates but i didnt get the number. looked for the truck but couldnt find it. thats why i dont like out of state hunters anymore. this happened 8 years ago.
Reply:The one with a dogged loyalty.
Reply:A very subservient one, to avoid being sent to Hell if he angered his master.
Reply:my brother says a poodle.....i say a golden retriever. the most loyal.
Reply:I don%26#039;t know for exact, but I dare to bet it won%26#039;t be Cihuahua..

What is the historical significance of Handel?

鈥?by examining the influence of Handel on the development of music?

鈥?what makes Handel an important figure?

鈥?why do we still study him?

Please help, thank you :D

Were quality problems in Collins submarine computerization effort caused by office rage caused by pointless?

meetings ?

Do you make a distinction?

In the area of punishment, do you make a distinction between who is responsible for a problem, who is the cause of the problem, who is to blame for the problem or who is at fault?
Do you make a distinction?
I agree with the idea underlying your question - that situations are usualy complex and finding where the fault lies is not always easy.

Nor is it often fair in terms of unequal access to legal support in the courts
Do you make a distinction?
yes. the person responsible should be the one who gets punished. the person who caused the problem is the one who is usually responsible for the problem. and the blame usually belongs to who is responsible.
Reply:yup I go on analysing endlessly while realising all the time that things just happen and only one person doesn;t contribute to a situation (are u surprised by this statement? but this is true!)

Idea on heaven?

if you think about it, if there is a heaven and people who did wrong things didn%26#039;t go to heaven, well what%26#039;s the point? i mean 70 - 80 years on earth compared to forever in heaven is unthinkably short. so just this tiny fraction (not that it would fit at all into the infinity years in heaven) wouldn%26#039;t really make a difference to if you get in heaven or not. because everyone should go to heaven when they die and have peace there.

the past shouldn%26#039;t matter. and god%26#039;s supposed to be forgiving.

so, the fact that god would let people go to hell... well, doesn%26#039;t sound very forgiving to me.

anyway, what do you think about it?
Idea on heaven? do you think the choice now is between believing in a god who is grossly unjust or in a god who has been socially constructed to fit an earlier society?
Idea on heaven?
Check out the Unitarian Universalists. Universalism is the idea that everyone goes to heaven.

Most Protestant Christian sects believe that almost everyone goes to Hell.
Reply:people who go to hell go there not because God does not love them but because they turned away from God. anyone who loves God and asks for forgiveness for the times that they turn away from God and do things they know they should not. God does not let people go to hell they choose it. for reasons only they know.
Reply:I think most believe believe that unless you do something completely henious, you will be forgiven and granted eternal whatever.

I think that maybe we all just go where we believe.

Reincarnation, nirvana, heaven, hell, whatever.

Why not?
Reply:Heaven is a beautiful dream.
Reply:Okay I think all this talk about someone loving God to go to heaven is bogus. I always thought that as long as you were an overall even far from perfect person who didnt believe in god even at that would still go to heaven.

Those who kill other people and do the unthinkable while feeling no Regret will go to Hell.

But that was when I was younger I believed in that idea. Today I believe WE right now are spirits inside bodies. and when the time comes for us to pass on.. Our spirit will simply flow into another body and life will go on.... Human body%26#039;s may die but the spirit that makes us who we are never dies...
Reply:God is imaginary. Heaven is imaginary. Sin is imaginary. See a pattern?
Reply:%26quot;And call not, besides Allah, on another god. There is no god but He. Everything (that exists) will perish except His own Face. To Him belongs the Command, and to Him will ye (all) be brought back. %26quot; [Qur%26#039;an 28:88]

All will go back to God eventually. Hell is not eternal as it is of the created realm and because only God (Allah subhana wa ta%26#039;ala) is eternal:

the divine breath we have been blessed with (Ruh) will go back to the source (Allah subhana wa ta%26#039;ala) %26quot;.......Everything (that exists) will perish except His own Face.......%26quot; [above verse, Quran: 28:88....Sadaqa allah ul atheem].

%26quot;During prayer I am accustomed to turn to God like this:

that%26#039;s the meaning of the words of the Tradition,

%26quot;the delight I feel in the ritual prayer.%26quot;

The window of my soul opens,

and from the purity of the Unseen World,

the Book of God comes to me straight.

The Book, the rain of Divine Grace, and the Light

are falling through my window into my house

from my real and original source.

The house without a window is Hell:

to make a window, O servant of God

is the foundation of the true Religion.

Don%26#039;t thrust your axe upon every thicket:

come, use your axe to cut open a window.%26quot;

---- Jewels of Remembrance (Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi (RUMI)

Hell is merely distance from God. The way to God is through the heart. The heart needs much polishing.

%26quot;Neither doth My earth nor My heaven contain Me (God), but the heart of My faithful servant containeth Me.%26quot; (Islamic Hadith)

%26quot;Everyone sees the Unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more--more Unseen forms become manifest to him.%26quot; --- Jalaluddin Muhammad Balkhi (RUMI)

Is weather or disease more interesting?

I was just thinking about two movies that I have seen. I can%26#039;t decide whether the end of days with weather or disease would be better. I like both but I need to choose one for a project that I am doing.
Is weather or disease more interesting?
For me Disease is more interestign. Weather, you already know what kinds there are. Disease, there are so many , some are not very known.
Is weather or disease more interesting? diverse and so weird sometimes
Reply:yeah i like the whole disease concept thing. more human interest from a story point of view. and it just sets itself up for more drama t i think.
Reply:Weather. Disease is so GROSS!
Reply:I think disease is interesting, unless destructive weather is a result of a %26quot;disease%26quot; we%26#039;ve inflicted on the planet. Maybe not so far from the truth.

Weather can cause imbalances in the number of disease-carrying insects on the planet. That could create a disease scenario.

Disease we inflict on the planet is disease inflicted upon ourselves.

theres more options available toa conclusion or what the disease is. It can be mutilation, sickness, makes us psycho ect..

weather is like we drown or get crushed by a hurricane destroying our home ect.

Were all problems, if there were any, on the Collins computerization project, caused by "anger management"

problems caused by insufficient care during staff selection ?

Did the people with %26quot;anger management%26quot; problems have criminal records ? If a person has a potential %26quot;anger management%26quot; problem, why place them where they may suffer %26quot;cubicle rage%26quot; ?

Why do I have thoughts of hurting people?

Why do I have thoughts of stabbing people with butcher knives?

Why me?

Why do I have these thoughts?

Why do I feel like I need to be in a mental hospital?
Why do I have thoughts of hurting people?
It is ok until you act on these thoughts.

if you are suffering these thoughts, look for what makes you have them.

who are they of?


when do you get these thoughts, at a certain time or after a certain event...

and come to conclusions %26amp; overcome these thoughts.
Why do I have thoughts of hurting people?
Look for the source and reason of these thoughts.Are you stressed,neglected,lonely.Or are you jealous of others?It may even stem from times long passed.Did you have a traumatic childhood?Ether way try meditating on it to clear it up.If it gets worse and you fear you%26#039;ll do something you shouldn%26#039;t, seek professional help.Such as a shrink or psychiatrist.I some times have these thoughts to because peoples seemingly boundless ignorance annoys the hell out of me.But the thoughts soon fade.
Reply:You need to see a doctor so they can help you out. Their are allot of medicines out there for you. Good luck, take care of yourself.
Reply:Honestly? I don%26#039;t think you%26#039;d be spacing out your lines like that if you were serious.

This question I cannot take seriously, because there is no detail, and if you really had a problem this severe, you%26#039;d take it more seriously, and try to get help for reals, instead of going on an online forum.

But if you are serious....get help, and disregard me.
Reply:You are angry and frustrated. Seek professional help to find what the anger is all about.
Reply:Because nobody pays attention to you?

Curiosity kills the cat and Schrodinger's cat - are they related in one way or another?

Schr枚dinger%26#039;s cat, often described as a paradox, is a thought experiment devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schr枚dinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics being applied to everyday objects, by considering the example of a cat that may be either alive or dead, according to an earlier random event.

Apart from introducing the cat, Schr枚dinger also coined the term %26quot;entanglement%26quot; (German: Verschr盲nkung) in the experiment.
Curiosity kills the cat and Schrodinger%26#039;s cat - are they related in one way or another?
In Quantum Theory, a system can have possible states, but the act of observation will make that system assume one state.

The Schrodinger%26#039;s cat is a paradox. A cat is placed in a sealed box, along with a fial of poison. The fial is broken, releasing the poison in the box. If unobserved, the cat is both alive and dead, but as soon as you open the box, you will find the cat dead.

So, both of your statements refer to this paradox.
Curiosity kills the cat and Schrodinger%26#039;s cat - are they related in one way or another?
Not really. Satisfaction brought one cat back but Schroedinger%26#039;s cat is still dead.
Reply:Curiosity kills Schrodingers Cat - 50% of the time.

What is love?

I just wanna know. Like what is it?
What is love?
Love, heh.

A petty human emotion.

I don%26#039;t know, it%26#039;s been probably the most talked about human emotion.

Love is innate from birth, to your parents, and such.

We think we%26#039;re in love when we%26#039;re teenagers.

We find love when we%26#039;re young adults/adults.

And we die with love.

It%26#039;s just always there -- i cannot describe it.

Some say an embracing feeling, others, butterflies. Some say the greatest, and the worst.

You%26#039;ll have to find out what love is yourself though.
What is love?
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

.A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.

at least thats what the dictionary says
Reply:Love is an emotional upsurge. It is eternal and cannot be bought. It is a pleasant feeling from your heart and soul
Reply:love is different for everybody.

Love is a chemical in our head, and how we view these effects depends on our upbringing.

We are in love with someone who triggers these chemicals most often, we form a bond through this.
Reply:love is a reciprocated feeling. meaning the person has the same feeling.
Reply:love is sickens.stay away from it.pleas.
Reply:Love...Well, It%26#039;s scientifically the increase of endorphins in you brain, caused by sudden arousal. It%26#039;s a crack-like feeling. Did you know love is the only %26quot;feeling%26quot; that stimulates the brain as crack-cocaine does? Yes, this is fact.

Some people would tell you love is this sappy thing, that lasts forever. But for me, the feeling that is uncannily like crack, only lasts for a week or so. What is Love? I don%26#039;t think sex has anything to do with it. It%26#039;s a bond. Not an attraction. It%26#039;s an agreeablilty, not some great mysterious thing. It%26#039;s survival.
Reply:some say

%26quot;love....the feeling that keeps me alive%26quot;

others say

%26quot;love...the feeling that kills me%26quot;

love is not an emotion. emotions can be explained with science and logic. love is beyond what humans can study.

love can be anything. love can be sex. love can be touch. love can be the feeling you have when you want to be with someone and never let go. theres a saying that everyone has two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, two lips, two hands and two legs...but why one heart? because you have to share love with everyone until you find someone who has your other heart. sure im a teenager...but that doesnt mean i cant love? sure im too young and enexperienced...but love certaintly can come from someone who saved your life, who was there for you when no one else wanted to. who supports you with all the love they have. when they want to be with you too. when they can set sex aside. when they dont care if you dont have money to pay for the gas. when they sacrifice there own needs just for you. love is just a fatal flaw that will one day crush us all. love is the eternal enemy. love is the weapon of death from the inside.

to me...that is what love truely means.

thats the definition of love from a lover.
Reply:I will tell you when I find it.
Reply:LOVE puts meaning to LIFE and thus makes life worthwhile.

It's what you least expect ;?

The saying goes, %26quot;It%26#039;s what you least expected%26quot;, and theres also other variations. But, if you were to find out what you least expected than that which you least expected would then become what you expected the most, thus creating a paradox.
It%26#039;s what you least expect ;?
This isn%26#039;t a question. What do you want us to answer?
It%26#039;s what you least expect ;?
No, because once you find it out the expectation factor is gone. It%26#039;s no longer an expectation if you already know it.
Reply:kinda I guess, it makes sense. It is like you expected the least expecting.
Reply:no what you least expect is something like you walking down the street and some punk kid throws an egg at your dog?... then your like shet... i didn%26#039;t expect that to happen
Reply:you should blog that on ur myspace- thats deep LOL
Reply:technically no you can find out something and still it could be very unexpected or in this case what you LEAST expected......
Reply:Not if you were truly expecting something else or weren%26#039;t expecting anything at all. %26quot;It%26#039;s what you least expected%26quot; is just that.
Reply:Silly, you can%26#039;t expect what has already come.

Did problems with Collins submarine computerization build up like a greek tragedy ?

Your being so hung up on this certainly has elements of tragedy in it.

Careful, it might be your %26#039;fatal flaw.%26#039;

If you could get only one anser in life what would be your question?

Do you marry me
If you could get only one anser in life what would be your question?
Where in the world is Carmen SanDiego?
If you could get only one anser in life what would be your question?
way me?
Reply:What would you want God to say when you reach the pealy gates of heaven?
Reply:%26quot;How do I go about getting all my lifes desires?%26quot;
Reply:what%26#039;s the meaning of life?
Reply:If God is perfect, and God created the devil, does that mean that introducing evil and corruption into the world was not a mistake?
Reply:There is one question, which if answered fully and correctly, will answer all others. That is to say, there will be no other questions left once this question is answered, as all will be known. This question pertains to each person individually, and the answer will address all. Mark these words carefully. There is no trick, and the answer is simple, profound, and encompasses all.

Here is the question:

Who am I?
Reply:Where is God?
Reply:What is six times seven?
Reply:What is the answer to all questions? (not that I don%26#039;t already know it)
Reply:where/who is my soul mate?
Reply:I am actively trying to get an answer to the only question that needs answering, the one already raised by steve.yo...:

Who am I?

Read the free books here:

Did anyone on Collins submarine computerization effort have intermittent explosive disorder (IED) ?

Were they inappropriate people to be in the team ?

Do you think money is the root of all evil?

If not, then what is? Explain.
Do you think money is the root of all evil?
That and power.
Do you think money is the root of all evil?
Money leads to power and you know what they say power corrupts
Reply:yes it is,
Reply:Nope. The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil. Money in and of itself is neutral.

Reply:no but the love of money is
Reply:No, I think evil is the root of all evil.
Reply:No I don%26#039;t think so. Umm.. I don%26#039;t think anything is really, I mean, evil can come out of lots of things, and sometimes it%26#039;s because of how people are treated in the first place that they turn out evil, so I really don%26#039;t know!!
Reply:Thats what it says in the bible so yes.
Reply:money = power..
Reply:yup it is
Reply:no .

the people that only care about money

THEY are the root of all evil .

money is root of ... survival ?
Reply:no, its the root of happiness. just look at me.
Reply:Money always leads to power and power makes somebody crazy.

totally creating lines that forbid people to connect.

Reply:I think people are the root of all evil..
Reply:I think money is part of it. The second part is self-ego
Reply:Nah. Obama is.
Reply:yes. Money and power
Reply:depends on who is holding the money but for the most part, yes
Reply:no greed is. And greed is b/c of selfishness, and selfishness is inherently human. so humans are the root of all evil. In a sense we are the root of all our becomings, good evil and otherwise.
Reply:No, I think it causes some evil but we are the ones who control our actions. Lets say someone argues that we go to war over money...Well we are the ones who have the choice to go or not.
Reply:yes.. give me yours it%26#039;ll be better for you
Reply:No it was the fact we don%26#039;t have gods love in our hearts

%26quot;a man cannot love money and god%26quot;
Reply:Nope, organised Religion and differing beliefs are the root of all evil

money is just currency and it is essential
Reply:sometimes. usually anger or revenge does. anger leads to revenge/vengeance that leads to violence, and that causes more anger. its a never ending cycle
Reply:no, but it is the root of a lot of it.
Reply:no women are.
Reply:No, women are the root of all evil.